Light at the end of the tunnel
With an absence of facilities providing what we do, we are seeking positive change in Ireland for Eating Disorder care and treatment.
At NEDRC, we provide individualised care and follow variable approaches to suit the individuals’ needs, e.g., HAES & IE. We provide flexible conditions, surroundings, staff and treatments. We are passionate about recovery- your recovery!
We offer a spacious, tranquil, respectful environment different to that of a busy hospital or smaller facilities. We believe this should be the norm, not a luxury. Patients can often feel stigmatised and need access to expertise & comprehensive biopsychosocial treatment plans (medication, if required, evidence based psychological therapy, dietetic input and a titrated yet realistic therapeutic movement plan). For the team at NEDRC, having the ability to understand our clients’ needs has such a positive impact on their lives.
Eating Disorder Clinic Ireland: We provide light at the end of the tunnel for some, listening to clients and ensuring they are heard and their needs met. Access to treatment, professional weight bias and a general lack of awareness can leave people with an Eating Disorder increasingly marginalised in a system where they feel they are “not bad enough” or “not sick enough” or “worthy enough” to receive treatment.

Our aim is to provide support in the form of:
- Expertise, compassion and dedication to help those with an eating disorder
- NEDRC’s focus is on you, our client, to help you to overcome your eating disorder and live the life you deserve.
- Communication with young person’s CNS/ Primary Therapist
- Group education with Dietitians regarding meal plan structure
- Assistance with school-based interventions and communication
- Appropriate referrals as necessary
Our aim is to provide support in the form of:
- Individual Family Therapy
- Group Parental/ loved ones Sessions and Education
- Communication with young person’s Nurse/ Primary Therapist
- Group education with Dietitians regarding meal plan structure
- Assistance with school-based interventions and communication
- Appropriate referrals as necessary
For professionals our aim is to provide:
- An experienced, dedicated MDT that you can place confidence in
- Support and advice is offered to both other colleagues within the service and elsewhere who are working with clients with eating disorders
- Liaising and working with other statutory and voluntary agencies (e.g., Universities, Social Welfare and Employment Services) is promoted.
“They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel”
Families are an important part of the recovery process and we encourage their participation but only with your consent. We also understand that not everyone has a relationship with their family and would not force this connection.
Who we are
Eating Disorder Clinic Ireland: We are a team of healthcare and therapeutic professionals with vast experience of working with clients with mental health difficulties, specifically Eating Disorders (ED).
Eating Disorder Clinic Ireland: We are all registered with our respective governing bodies. We follow NICE and MEED guidelines, elements of the most recent models of care for Eating Disorders and adhere to the Mental Health Commission’s regulations.
Our aim is to use our expertise, compassion and dedication to help those with an eating disorder and their family/loved ones. NEDRC’s focus is on you, our client, to help you to overcome your eating disorder and live the life you deserve.
We are not here to shame, criticise, devalue or minimise your experiences, thoughts or beliefs. We will help you discover your own strengths, reasons behind using the eating disorder as a coping mechanism for things that have been too painful to deal with and above all, help you.
About Us
The National Eating Disorders Recovery Centre (NEDRC) supports a realistic view to health and weight. We incorporate WHO, NICE, MEED and elements of the most recent models of care for Eating Disorders guidelines along with elements of Health at Every Size (HAES) principles, Intuitive Eating and Therapeutic Movement. We approach each individual with a holistic view, using the Medical (where needed), Therapeutic, Psychosocial and Recovery models.

Our Therapy Programme incorporates
CBT ED- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Eating Disorders, concentrates on patterns of abnormal (unhelpful) thinking patterns and distorted beliefs that are the underlying causes for irrational emotions and thought patterns. NEDRC staff have trained in CBT- E which incorporates CBT and adapts skills towards a person with an Eating Disorder.
DBT- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, provides people with the skills to manage painful emotions and decrease conflict in relationships. It provides the skills to regulate emotions, feel less vulnerable, develop assertiveness and distress tolerance.
RO DBT (Radically Openness DBT), incorporates DBT but focuses on individuals who suffer from emotional and behavioural over-control and is beneficial for people with chronic depression or anorexia, also ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and Personality Disorders.
Decider Skills, is particularly beneficial for adolescents and young adults. It is more of a practical, skill-based therapy which equip the individual with the tools to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours and enables them to mange their own emotions and mental health.
ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), aims to increase an individual’s ability to be flexible in the way they think so they are better able to adapt to life situations and live a full and meaningful life.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy), recommended and endorsed by the WHO & NICE. A significant number of individuals with an Eating Disorder have suffered some form of Trauma in their life. EMDR enable clients to recall memories but without the same level of distress
MB-EAT (Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training), through mindfulness eating practices the individual learns to listen to what their body really needs and why, how to experience the pleasure of food without guilt or over-eating, emotional eating and disordered eating patterns.
SSCM (Special Supportive Clinical Management), is an incorporation of IPT & CBT and has been found to be particularly beneficial for individuals with long standing Anorexia. The focus is not just on symptoms but also on quality of life and improvement of same.
IPT (Interpersonal Therapy), is particularly beneficial for people with Bulimia, Binge Eating and Depression. It is a structured therapy with the main principals of the therapy being how you relate to others and how this impacts your emotional and mental health.
MANTRA (Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults), aims to address the Cognitive, Emotional, Relational and Biological factors which are keeping the person “stuck” in their Anorexia. Can be beneficial for clients who report rigid thinking, low motivation or ambivalence to recovery
FBT (Family based Treatment) is a treatment approach that places parents at the centre of their adolescent’s treatment. Phase one involves empowering parents to temporarily assume responsibility for all food and eating-related decisions in order to facilitate the adolescent’s weight restoration. In phase two, families support the adolescent to resume responsibility for their food choices and maintain a healthy weight. In phase three, families help the young person return to their normal developmental path, which may have been disrupted by their illness.
(CFT) Compassion Focused Therapy, addresses shame and/ or self-criticism which can be very real issues for someone with an Eating Disorder. CFT encourages Social Connectedness and self-compassion to help clients deal with distressing feelings rather than using self-destructive behaviours.
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Start your recovery journey today
Give us a call to schedule an appointment.
Phone: 01 564 4450 / 087 7755996